The F Scott Fitzheralds

William Wallace
5 min readSep 6, 2021
A sad ending for a great flag

Another team, another early exit for PVC. Man, these losses are starting to shake my confidence as a captain. Welp, here’s some player reviews, I guess.


With a name that makes him seem like he’s a member of brokNcyde, 7even went by Requiem in game, but he is much less of an edgey gentleman than the name suggests. He was my first pick, and honestly the highest player on my draft board. I had played an inhouse with him, he had a chill attitude, he was high mmr for the league at 3k, and had a decent hero pool, really checked all the boxes. Unfortunately my dude never plays dota, lol. Legitimately less than me, which is saying a lot. I think a lot of weeks we ended up losing the first game, then winning the 2nd only because 7 and I took game 1 to remember how to play. This was especially bad since a patch dropped mid season. My man was still trying to figure out the build on heroes from 7.29 when 7.30 dropped. We did get some scrims in, and got to pub a few times on top of that, but still, nothing other than that. That being said, he plays pretty well, still. He’s definitely a good pos 1 in this league, but maybe just a bit more inconsistent. Adding to this, I thin he tends to overestimate his strength. There were a lot of team fights this season where I see him chillin at like 15% health with no intention on backing, just dying because he tried to man up at 15% health. If he starts playing again, I’d say he should remain a top pick, because he is capable of playing to that 3k price tag, and he’s a legitimately chill dude to play with. He doesn’t ever tilt, and doesn’t give up. Having that atmosphere in discord is always welcome on my team. Unfortunately at the moment, I’d have to put him closer to a late 1st round maybe 2nd round value.

Moon River

Moon was my choice for mid lane, and another person I had on my list before the season started. Contrary to what Barrel seems to think about him, Moon actually has a pretty good hero pool, playing most of the normal mid shit, as well as some less conventional things that we made work, like troll. He is another pretty PMA dude, and a dude who would constantly participate in my strategy planning. Having someone to go back and forth with on my dumb ideas was always nice. He’s not a dominant mid or anything, he’ll win some and lose some. It was very rare that he got dumpsterred so hard we lost, and also rare that he dumpsterred so hard that we won (except in unranked pubs, he went off in those). All in all moon felt like my 2nd in command this season, helping with planning, then also helping with shot calling in game. I would definitely pick again, even if sometimes his computer decides to delete dota on him, as though it’s trying to tell him something….

Quinoa (ChuChu)

Quinoa, I drafted for the 5 position based on the fact that he was still chillin in the draft sheet with a high mmr for the third round that for some reason nobody was touching. I think it was mostly because he indicated he was more of a carry player, and most teams had carries by then. That being said, he was more than happy to play 5, no drama on the situation at all. He wasn’t always comfortable on the role, cus it isn’t what he played in pubs either, but he was still competent at it, warding, going where he needs to, all that jazz. Sure there were definitely times where we were low on vision, and he kinda played it greedy for a 5, leaving paeches with more of the support job, which seemed ok by her. This ended a lot of games with it being more of a 4 from the 5 position. He was also a chill gamer, but kinda silent between matches. Overall a great value pick where I got him.


Paeches definitely played more the 5 role on our team from the 4 position, with mostly 4 heroes. She’s not greedy, and a support main that seems to be stuck down at 100 mmr, but there’s no way I’d say she plays like 100 mmr. That being said, maybe I’d still put her somewhere in the high herald/low guardian range. We definitely had trouble clicking at first, but a couple games in I feel like we really started playing together a lot better in lane. For the most part the way she supports is to isolate the enemy pos 5, which works for some matchups, but there were definitely times where I would look around and realize I’m all alone and lost in this crazy world. Her hero pool is definitely good, I’ve seen a lot of 4s that can play like 2 heroes. Maybe the thing keeping her down so low is that she has like 250 techies games, lol, idk. Maybe it’s her macro game. She definitely needs to be told when to leave or where to go sometimes, but that could also be due to the fact that it’s a league game where I’m supposed to be the shot caller. I know a lot of that is on me, that’s kinda my job as captain, but either way, would draft again.


Welp, self reviews are kinda dumb, but here we go. I decided to force my team to deal with me learning a new role this season, as I had very few games on offlane before this, and almost all of them were on ench or axe, from back when ench offlane was a thing. They were very chill about it, and it went way better than it could have, lol. Sure, some games I got fucked hard, and had little impact, probably throwing a few games like that, but overall I feel like I can play offlane comfortably at this point, so there’s that. I do have a tendency of just drafting myself shit I think I can play, because I think it fits the draft, even if I’ve never played it before, which can backfire, but mostly it worked out fine. I also drafted, and shot called, which I think I’m still improving on. I have a tendency to maybe over plan. I try to Belichick my way through these leagues, changing my game plan completely to try to counter the enemy team instead of just developing what we do, and forcing the draft into our comfort heroes. Often times I’m told that I should just do x or y just cus it works in low mmr leagues, low mmr players can’t deal with this, just pick comfort, ignore everything else. IDK, I think in the long run these are not the right way to go about it. I’d rather try, test these theories, see what goes wrong, and try to learn from it, but that also means I’m dragging 4 people along with me. I’d say more on that, but if you don’t want to deal with that shit, guess you’ll just have to captain, lol.

